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How do I calculate pip value?

Our Pip Value Calculator will help you determine the value per pip in your trading account’s currency so that you can better manage your risk per trade. All you need is the currency your account is denominated in, the currency pair you are trading, your position size, and the exchange rate asked to calculate the pip value.

What is the Pips size of AUDUSD?

The pip size of AUDUSD is 0.0001, so with the current AUDUSD price of 0.6510, the digits 0 represents 0.0 pips.

What does Pip mean in currency?

Pip stands for “ percentage in point ” or “ price interest point ”. A pip is the smallest value change in a currency pair’s exchange rate. For most currency pairs, a pip is a movement in the fourth decimal place (0.0001), but there are some exceptions like Japanese yen pairs where the movement is in the second decimal place (0.01).

How many pips does a EURUSD price change?

For example, with a EURUSD price of 1.23456, the digit ‘5’ represents the pip location while the digit ‘6’ represents a partial pip. So, movement of the price by 1 pip would mean 1.23456+0.0001=1.23466. If the price would move down to 1.23443, this would represent 1.23456-1.23443=0.00013, a 1.3 pips change.

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